
Hanayo留言 | 贡献2021年12月21日 (二) 00:28的版本 (你觉得NT是9x是吧)

Windows在其漫长的发展过程中,很多东西都发生了许多重大的变化。Windows有三个发展时期:基于DOS的Windows、Windows 9x和Windows NT。在这三个发展时期内Windows的内核也有四次变化,分别是:DosSHELL、386增强模式、Windows 9x、Windows NT。

关于如何确认系统内核版本,请查看如何判断Windows 操作系统版本



请不要和MS-DOS后期版本内置的DOS SHELL相混淆

DOSSHELL是Windows最早的内核。在Windows 1.0-2.0这段时间内,其本质上是一个DOS的图形界面。虽然有自己的程序规范,但因为其本质。在Windows 1.0-2.0这段时间内的内核被称为DOSSHELL。



在Windows 2.0之后,电脑配置仍在不断的发展。微软在Windows 2.1版本中采取了发布不同版本的措施来分别利用新旧电脑的性能。他们分别是:Windows/286和Windows/386。在Windows/386中,微软引入了新的386增强模式内核来支持保护模式。从而支持了更大的内存和有了更高的运行效率,同时也拥有了更友好的界面。但取而代之的,搭载386增强模式的Windows不支持386之前的处理器。 搭载此内核的版本:

  • Windows 2.1(2.11)
  • Windows 3.0
  • Windows 3.1(3.11、3.2)

Windows 9x

The kernel of Windows 9x is still an MS-DOS application as the previous versions. That means MS-DOS is still required for the OS to boot. However, the hybrid kernel design allowed the support of 32-bit programs. That special design give the 9x kernel a relatively good backward compatibility. However, the reliance on MS-DOS prevented the possibility to port the kernel to other platforms like MIPS or DEC Alpha, and the relatively older design of the 16-bit kernel would eventually paved the way of discontinuation of that kernel type.

Windows NT

Windows NT kernel is completely designed from scratch and have a great number of differences in comparison with the 9x kernel. It is easier to port to different platforms, which satisfied the need of Microsoft to design products for many famous sever platform back to the early NT era, for example MIPS, DEC Alpha and PowerPC. This design would eventually benefit Microsoft as they started to port Windows for newer platforms like IA64 and ARM. The NT kernel is still used even today and likely forever.