
Windows 2000:5.0.1723.1

来自BetaWorld 百科
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Windows 2000 5.0.1723.1
内核版本 5.0
架构 x86
版本 Workstation
语言 English (United States)
编译日期 1997/12/15
版本字串 5.0.1723.1

Fate 455和475 Warez CD列表中列出了此版本,由PWA泄露。

在由pascal_of_irate于2020年4月7日上传到archive.org的warez CD“Mag Utils #18”上最终找到了这一Build的PWA泄漏版本[1]



	      ▄█▄                          ▄▀▒▓▌
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	  ▌     ▐██████▌   ▐▌░▒▓▀  ▄▀  ▐░▒▓▀    ▄ ▀█▀     █▄
	  ▐▌ ▐   ██████    █░▒▒▀ ▄▀ ▀ ▄▀▄▀     ▐▓░▄   ▄▄  ▐▀▄
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	   ▐▓ ▀▄█████▀    █▄▀     ▄▀    ▀▄    ▐▓▒  █      ▐▌▒▓▌
	    ▄▓▓████▀     ▐▀      ■            ▓▒░  ▐▌    ▄▀ ░▒▓
	  ▄▓▓██▀▀ ▄▄    ▄▀      .            ▐▓▒░   ▀▄    ▀▄ ░▓▌
	 ▐▓▓▀ ▄▓    ▀▀▄▄▄                    ▓▒░     ▄▀     ▀▄▒▓
	 ▓▒▌  ▐▓▒        ▀▀▀▄               ▐▓▒░░  ▄▀         ▀
	 ▐▓▄   █▓▒       ░▄▀                ▀▓▓▒▒░▀
	  ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble <MiRAGE>
		█▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
	      ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
║ [ Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Workstation Build 1723 ]     December 21, 1997 ║
║ Supplier .....: Murmillius           │ Type .....: OS                     ║
║ Cracker ......: N/A                  │ Video ....:                        ║
║ Packager .....: Murmillius           │ Audio ....:                        ║
║ Protection ...: N/A                  │ # Disks ..: 36                     ║

	Yawn... another Windows NT 5.0 build, nothing exciting.....

	PS, alot of people were claiming that our Windows 98
	build 1658 release this morning was fake.  Just because
	it's not on the Win 98 beta site does not mean its
	fake.  Microsoft does about a build a day, they are ALL
	posted on the internal MS servers, the only ones that 
	make it to the beta site are the IDW builds (the ones
	deemed stable enough for developers to run on their desktops).
	However, if one has access to the internal MS network
	(as we do), you could pull a new build off every single day
	if you so desired (hopefully nobody does :), we sure dont :)).
	The build is legit, though it will probably be supplanted
	by a new IDW build soon enough, I just happened to have it
	handy and had some time on my hands, so decided to send it out.

	- Murmillius

			       -/ This is PWA \-
                               < 20-November-97 >

┌──────────────────┬─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Council .........│ Code3, Dark Lord, Dream Weaver, Murmillius, 
│                  │ Rambone, Shiffie
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Drew, Gumby, Marduk, Mercy, Oyl Patch, Stoned, 
│                  │ The Technic 
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Members .........│ Acidman, Aironz, Angelface, BadBrad, 
│                  │ Bunter, Chowdery, Codebreaker, Corv8, Crazy, 
│                  │ Disc Killer, Disk Killer, DJpaul, EzD, Guip, Ico,  
│                  │ Ice, Ivan, The Joker, The Judge, Kewe, Leod, 
│                  │ Lost Soul, Magellan, Mooncrow, Nagumo, Ofd, 
│                  │ Patriarch, Prozac, Ryu, Shadowman, Shocky, SilverB, 
│                  │ Skylark, Smad, Single Minded, SpyNut, Sugar, Vampyre, 
│                  │ Voltan, Warlock
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Couriers .│ Akasha, Bababoey, Bandito, The Jerk, 
│                  │ Mario Lemieux, Mindreader, Trix
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Couriers ........│ Bass, Biggy, Claw Finger, Darkforce, Diamond Dog,   
│                  │ Dire Avenger, GB, Gizmo, Kang6902, Night Crawler, 
│                  │ Pozest, Satan, Scuzi, Semaj, Sir Bush, Skitch
└──────────────────┴─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
			      PWA Boards/Sites

│ FTP Site Names       │ Status ···················· │ SiteOP ············· │
│ Sentinel ··········  │ Inet World HQ ············· │ Gxxx/Mxxxxxxx ······ │
│ Boners Domain ·····  │ Inet U.S. HQ ·············· │ Rxxxxxx ············ │
│ Reflection ········  │ Inet Euro HQ ·············· │ Sxxxxxx ············ │
│ Vampyres Lair ·····  │ Inet World Courier HQ ····· │ Vxxxxxx············· │
│ Digital Corruption   │ Inet EURO Courier HQ ······ │ Ixx ················ │
│ The Prophecy ······  │ Inet Release World HQ ····· │ Sxxxxx·············· │
│ SandLand ··········  │ Inet Release Euro HQ ······ │ Cxxxx ·············· │
│ The Rock ··········  │ Inet Release US HQ ········ │ Dxxxxxx ············ │
│ Manhattan Project ·  │ Inet Member HQ ············ │ Rxx ················ │
│ NEI ···············  │ Inet Member Site ·········· │ Nxxxxxx ············ │
│ Bulletin Board Name  │ Status ······ Nodes ······· │ SysOp ·············· │
│ Cheap Talk ········· │ Member Board ·[4] ········· │ Bad Bradley ········ │
│ Silicon Phalanx ···· │ Member Board ·[3] ········· │ Drew ··············· │
│ Gotham City ········ │ Member Board ·[2] ········· │ The Joker ·········· │
│ S.E.L. ············· │ Member Board ·[9] ········· │ SilverB ············ │
│ Acheron ············ │ Member Board ·[3] ········· │ Bababoey ··········· │
	     If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

		PWA..... a juggernaut that rolls on thru 1997

  *  Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're *
  *  in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *

  *  PWA also does not accept new BBS', FTP sites, net couriers, graphics  *
  *  artists or programmers (including PPE's... PCB, may it rest in peace) *

┌───────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────┐
│ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  │
│ Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  │
│ effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it! │
